Sample Project
Sample Orchestration
Orchestration Modules
End-user modules for global navigation and  dashboards. Mash up of End-user module elements, optimizing UX for each role
Homepages with dashboards
Cross application workflows and task list
Sample EndUser
End User Modules
Business interfaces, process and logic that provides the features available to end users
Role based UI to support use cases
Can have its own entities extending or correlating Core Entities
Business logic, to support use cases, that cannot be isolated for common reuse
process workflow definition to orchestrate use cases
Sample Core1
Sample Core2
Core Business Modules
isolate components around business concepts, shared by different end user modules
Core Entities (master and associated details)
Change operations
Business logs
Backoffice UI
Assynchronous data processing
Sample Library1
Sample Library2
Foundation Modules
Highly reusable components that may encapsulate services and protocols from external providers split by functional groups
Wrap external libraries
Wrap entities from an external DB
Connectors to external systems
UI Patterns (javascript, web-blocks, base themes)
Add Module 
(not available on demo)
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